
ion system meaning in English



  1. We have deve1oped the 1aw - - firm office informat ion system . ln accord with the design aim supp1ied in this thesis
  2. For sins has a series of advantages , it has become a trend that sins wi l1 take the p1ace of p1atform inert ia1 navigat ion system in new century
  3. The paper proposes a method for reliability evaluation of distr i but ion systems , which takes many real factors into consideration , and then programs relevant software
  4. The key technologies necessary to be solved to develop ion propulsion are also described , including improving perform ance ( specific impulse , thrust , availability ) , prolonging life time , compatibili ty with satellite , and optical ion system
    阐述了发展离子推进需攻克的关键技术,其中包括提高性能(比冲、推力、工质利用率等) 、延长工作寿命、与卫星的相容性、离子光学系统等。
  5. This thesis . begins with the ana1ysis to the essentia1 of deve1oping a 1aw - - fi rm of fi ce informat ion system , introduc ing the genera1 princ ip1es and who1e framework of the system . then , by cofnparing severa1 p1atforms used at present for deve 1oping the 0is ( 0f fice information systems ) , we decide to se1ect lotus domino / notes as our systefn ' s p1atform

Related Words

  1. ion
  2. ions
  3. ion surface scattering
  4. ion synergism
  5. ion tail
  6. ion tanase
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